THE MYSTERY OF THE BASQUES / Translation from Basque to English / Noon Films SL



Historiaren Ontzia

Poliki mugitzen itsasora
Mila olatuak baten aurka pertsona hau
Falls eta berriro altxatzen
Gure herrialdea da, zoritxarrez,
Bi zatitan moztu
Baina itsasoa gaitu
Garai batean, gaur egun, eta beti
Ikusi, txalupa zahar bat, bere zulo eta guzti,
Bertatik ikasteko zerbait egin behar dugu,
Oraindik ere geure izango da etorkizunean nahi badugu
Lehenik eta behin, nor ginen iraganean ezagutu behar ditugu,
Euskadik nazio zahar bat da
As herrien zaharrena bezain zaharra
Antzinako hizkuntza batez
Ongi bere bihotza mugaturik
Batzuetan zalantzan jartzen dugu
Etorkizunean izango da bizi ala ez
Baina pertsona hori abesten
Ez da inoizinoiz itzaliko


The Ship of History

Moving slowly out to sea
Against a thousand waves this people
Fall and raises again
Our country is, sadly,
Cut into two pieces
But the sea brings us together
In the past, today, and always
See, an old boat, with its holes and all,
We have something to learn from it,
If we still want to be ourselves in the future
First,  we must know who we were in the past
The Basque Country is an old nation
As old as the oldest of peoples
With an ancient language
Tightly bound to its heart
We sometimes doubt
Whether it will live in the future
But a people that sings
Will never-ever die out

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