SAREKO ARGIA – Eusko on-line aldizkari nagusien

français english castellano

Orri nagusira


Who are we?

Sareko Argia is the major Basque on-line journal offering information and services from the Basque Country. The first version of was created in 1997 by the Basque magazine ARGIA. In 1998 the second version was launched on-line; Several editorial sections were also released, together with a database containig more than 5000 interviews published in the magazine since the early sixties. In May 1999 the third version was released, and from the 26th of June 2000 it has become an electronic newspaper.

The magazine ARGIA was the first Basque medium to launch its contents on-line. This was possible with the assistance of the Ametzagaina group which developed the Kapsula software technology. ARGIA is a member of the Ametzagaina group, together with the companies Adur Software Productions and Antza graphic arts.


Les sites et services de sont:

Current news
The Channels: Hari@ (The Basque Culture’s Thread,distributed by e-mail), The Directory of Basque Culture, Our Century, Cider in Basque Country, The humor of Kike Amunarriz…
Dossiers: Larrun (the magazine of philosophical thought, ARGIA dossiers…)
Services: Our motor search, the Kiosco, Basque Language, Proverbs (english proverbs and how to say them in Basque, Spanish and Latin)
Sareko Herriak town webs
ARGIA electronic magazine


The magazine ARGIA follows from the religious inspired Zeruko Argia (1919) and Argia (1921). After the ban imposed by Franco’s dictatorship, ARGIA reappeared in 1963. ARGIA is devoted to increasing communication in Basque and considered as a promoter of the Basque Culture.

Since 1999 the name of ARGIA’s publishing company is Komunikazio Biziago S.A.L., wich publishes, besides the magazine: The yearbook Euskal Kulturaren Urtekaria founded in 1948, the almanac Egutegia, books, CD-Rom..