Clinton Had a Very Good Night, but…

The majority of the delegates have yet to be chosen.

Oregon Primary Results
LIVE 3:17:54 PM ET
Republican Primary

Trump has won Oregon, according to A.P.
Candidates Vote Pct. Delegates
Donald Trump 240,804 66.6% 17
Ted Cruz 61,590 17.0 3
John Kasich 59,096 16.3 3

361,490 votes, 93% reporting
Winner called by A.P.

Clinton was low AP reported

Democratic Primary

Sanders has won Oregon, according to A.P.
Candidates Vote Pct. Delegates
Bernie Sanders 320,746 56.0% 34
Hillary Clinton 251,739 44.0 25

572,485 votes, 96% reporting
Winner called by A.P.

Because Oregon does not have voting precincts, the percentage reporting is an A.P. estimate based on the number of early votes.

After the first of this year’s many “Super Tuesdays,” the cover of The Economist magazine featured a staring contest between a blue-faced Hillary Clinton and a red-faced Donald Trump—along with a declaration that “Hillary Clinton will be the Democratic nominee; the man most likely to face her in November on the Republican ticket is Donald Trump.”

That was not quite right in the immediate aftermath of the March 1 “Super Tuesday” primaries and caucuses, when much of the media was angling to shut down unfinished races for the Democratic and Republican presidential nominations. And it seemed even less right as ensuing contests gave victories to the candidates who were still seeking to displace Trump and Clinton—especially after Clinton’s insurgent challenger, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, won an a victory in the March 8 Michigan primary.

The results from the March 15 primaries in five delegate-rich states gave those who see a Clinton-Trump race as inevitable more material to work with.

Trump and Sanders had terrific nights, winning most of the contests on their respective sides of the ballots. Clinton won big in Florida, North Carolina, and Ohio, pulled narrowly ahead in her native Illinois, and was essentially tied with Sanders in Missouri—with 49.6 percent for Clinton to 49.4 for Sanders. Trump did just about as well, winning with ease in Florida, Illinois, and North Carolina, essentially tying in Missouri (with Texas Senator Ted Cruz), and losing to Governor John Kasich in Ohio.

while it is easier now to speculate about a Clinton-Trump contest, that race has not yet begun. The GOP establishment is still trying to trip up Trump, the Bernie Sanders insurgency will continue to challenge Clinton, and Democratic primaries and caucuses will see more upsets of expectations.

“No matter who wins, the center of gravity has fundamentally shifted in the Democratic Party.” —Adam Green, PCCC.

Translation: The 2016 primaries and caucuses on both sides of the partisan aisle have clear front-runners. Those front-runners are in stronger positions than before, and they are training their rhetorical fire on each other. And the races are ongoing.

Republicans understand this; and there is still a good deal of talk about how best to prevent a Trump takeover. Democrats should also understand this; as the majority of the delegates who will decide the identity of the party’s nominee have yet to be chosen.

“Tomorrow, the political establishment will say once again that Bernie can’t win,” said Dan Cantor, the national director of the Working Families Party, which backs Sanders. “That’s nothing new. They’ve been singing that tune since before the primary even started. But every single week, Bernie’s support gets stronger and stronger. Tonight, Bernie’s North Carolina performance was 15 points better than his South Carolina performance last month, and 5 points better than his Virginia performance two weeks ago. This is a close race, and it will be contested in every state. The fact of the matter is that the first half of the primary schedule favored Clinton. The second half will favor Bernie. The only question is whether it will be enough. We intend to do everything we can to make sure it is.”

The contests to come appear to be a good deal friendlier to Sanders, who has strong bases of support in Arizona, Idaho, and Utah (which will vote on March 22) and Alaska, Hawaii, and Washington (which will vote on March 26). And recent polling from Wisconsin, which had its primary April 5, has Sanders narrowly ahead. Beyond the immediate schedule, great big-delegation states such as New York (April 19) and California (June 7) have yet to weigh in.

Even if Sanders were to win all of those primary and caucus contests in late March and early April, Clinton would still be the front-runner, and she would still enjoy a big delegate lead. But Sanders could get a lot closer to Clinton in the competition—perhaps close enough to convince some superdelegates to move his way. And he can continue to build a movement politics with a potential to influence convention rules, platform planks, and perhaps even the selection process that will name a vice presidential contender.

Sanders has always said that he is mounting this presidential run in order to challenge “establishment politics and establishment economics.” His populist appeal has influenced Clinton on a host of economic issues; indeed, Progressive Change Campaign Committee cofounder Adam Green noted, “Hillary Clinton won Ohio and had a Super Tuesday by riding the economic populist tide instead of fighting it. Clinton has engaged Bernie Sanders in a race to the top on key issues like expanding Social Security instead of cutting it, breaking up too-big-to-fail-banks, jailing Wall Street executives who break the law, and debt-free college. That was almost unimaginable a year ago. In Ohio, Clinton went further than before against corporate-written trade deals, saying, ‘We have to oppose the TPP.’”

Clinton has every reason to celebrate, and every right to begin thinking and talking about a potential race with Trump.

But Sanders has every reason to keep running a primary and caucus race where most of the delegates have yet to be chosen—and where his ability to influence the character and content of the competition remains one of that race’s most significant dynamics.

“The primary continues,” explained Green, “but no matter who wins, the center of gravity has fundamentally shifted in the Democratic Party.”

Sanders did not have the “Super Tuesday” he wanted on March 15. But the prospect of moving that center of gravity further to the left provides more than enough encouragement for the senator to carry on.

Tensions explode in Democraticreidharry_sandersbernie_051716gn primary
Sen. Bernie Sanders is standing by his supporters in the face of mounting criticism from Democratic leaders, including Minority Leader Harry Reid, over the increasingly nasty tone of the Democratic presidential primary.

Sanders on Tuesday issued a statement rejecting claims by Hillary Clinton’s allies that his campaign has shown a penchant for violence as “nonsense.”

It was released just minutes after Reid took to the cameras in the Senate to call on the Vermont senator to do “the right thing” and hold his supporters accountable for a chaotic scene on Saturday at Nevada’s state convention. It seems that Harry Reid has nothing better to do than to create and pass rumors about Bernie Sanders. You can keep that witch Hillary Clinton and
her Bubba that can’t keep his pants enough tight to prevent another escapade, and have a party at the Dark House.

By Alexander Bolton – 05/17/16 08:35 PM EDT

Bernie Sanders is standing by his supporters in the face of mounting criticism from Democratic leaders, including Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, over the increasingly nasty tone of the Democratic presidential primary.

And what are the Dems to criticize if not the 2016 elections that are a big joke. At least in New York City it was shameful.

Sanders on Tuesday issued a statement rejecting claims by Hillary Clinton’s allies that his campaign has shown a penchant for violence as “nonsense.” And who beat Trump and another man
that looks like him? Why you don’t criticize the “penchant for violence in Trumps’ rallies? Oh yeah, you now need Mr. Trump to make you look stupid, something that you already are,
because your Hillary Clinton has so many closets with secrets she won’t make public so you can be united and thus have more power. You are an idiot Mr. Reid.

By Alexander Bolton – 05/17/16 08:35 PM EDT

Bernie Sanders is standing by his supporters in the face of mounting criticism from Democratic leaders, including Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, over the increasingly nasty tone of the Democratic presidential primary.

Sanders on Tuesday issued a statement rejecting claims by Hillary Clinton’s allies that his campaign has shown a penchant for violence as “nonsense.”

Posted by Ainhoa Aristizabal – Unruly Hearts editor

Ausnahmezustand in Venezuela: Wie die Menschen leiden 18.05.2016 – State of Emergency in Venezuela 18.05.2016

Wir sagen Danke


Notstand in Venezuela: Ein Land vor dem Kollaps.
In Venezuela mangelt es an Lebensmitteln – auch Strom und Wasser sind knapp. Besonders schwierig ist die Lage in den Krankenhäusern. Das Land befindet sich im Notstand.

Visit the site below to learn more about the situation in Venezuela, and Spiegel Online International to see gallery and videos. Very good presentation by Spiegel.

Jose Villarroel waits for hours in an emergency operating room at Luis Razetti Hospital in Puerto la Cruz, Venezuela, April 15, 2016. The economic crisis in this country has exploded into a public health emergency, part of a larger unraveling that has become so widespread it has prompted President Nicolas Maduro to impose a state of emergency, raising fears of a government collapse. (Meridith Kohut/The New York Times) *** Mindesthonorar 50Euro, Bitte auf moegliche weitere Vermerke achten! maximale Online-Nutzungsdauer: 12 Monate ***

Jose Villarroel waits for hours in an emergency operating room at Luis Razetti Hospital in Puerto la Cruz, Venezuela, April 15, 2016. The economic crisis in this country has exploded into a public health emergency, part of a larger unraveling that has become so widespread it has prompted President Nicolas Maduro to impose a state of emergency, raising fears of a government collapse. (Meridith Kohut/The New York Times) *** Mindesthonorar 50Euro, Bitte auf moegliche weitere Vermerke achten! maximale Online-Nutzungsdauer: 12 Monate ***

In Venezuela mangelt es an Lebensmitteln – auch Strom und Wasser sind knapp. Besonders schwierig ist die Lage in den Krankenhäusern. Das Land befindet sich im Notstand.

“Wir haben Hunger” – stundenlang harren die Menschen vor den Geschäften in Venezuela aus, um einige der wenigen Nahrungsmittel zu bekommen. Auch Klopapier und Windeln sind Mangelware. Viele Produkte sind nur noch Armeeangehörigen zugänglich. Der Schwarzhandel blüht, vereinzelt kam es in den Provinzen sogar schon zu Plünderungen.

Doch nicht nur Nahrung und Waren des täglichen Lebens sind knapp, auch Wasser und Strom werden stark reglementiert – die Menschen bunkern Trinkwasser inzwischen in Flaschen. Immer wieder müssen sie im Dunkeln sitzen, weil die Elektrizität abgeschaltet wird.

Grund ist die starke Dürre. Der Wasserstand des El Guri, eines Stausees im südöstlich gelegenen Bundesstaat Bolívar, sinkt und sinkt. Dort produzierte das Wasserkraftwerk bisher 60 Prozent der landesweiten Energie. Kritiker sagen, die Dürre durch das Wetterphänomen El Niño sei vorhersehbar gewesen – die Regierung habe es versäumt, vorzusorgen. Die verwaltet nun den Notstand, die Behörden behelfen sich, indem sie Strom und Trinkwasser rationieren.

Besonders hart trifft der Mangel die Kranken. In den Kliniken des Landes fehlt es an allem: Antibiotika, intravenösen Lösungen, sogar Seife und Essen. “Der Tod von Babys ist unser täglich Brot”, sagte Osleidy Camejo, Chirurg in der Hauptstadt Caracas, der “New York Times”.

Der Präsident flüchtet sich in Verschwörungstheorien

Venezuela steht vor dem Kollaps. Der IWF prognostiziert für dieses Jahr eine extreme Inflation von 720 Prozent. 2015 schrumpfte das Bruttoinlandsprodukt um 5,7 Prozent, dieses Jahr soll das Minus 6,2 Prozent betragen.

Noch hält sich der sozialistische Präsident Nicolás Maduro, er verlängerte den Ausnahmezustand um 60 Tage (Lesen Sie hier eine Analyse). Sein Dekret sieht auch vor, dass Soldaten und lokale Bürgerwehren zur Sicherung der öffentlichen Ordnung und bei Lebensmittelverteilungen zum Einsatz kommen können. Die Opposition wirft dem Präsidenten vor, mit dem Ausnahmezustand eine Diktatur vorzubereiten. Sie hat für Mittwoch erneut zu Massenprotesten aufgerufen.

Maduro flüchtet sich inzwischen in Verschwörungstheorien. Er sieht sich von Feinden umzingelt. Er behauptet, in Venezuela sei eine US-Invasion im Gange. Der Staatschef sieht vor allem den gefallenen Ölpreis als Ursache für den Notstand. Venezuela lebt wie kein zweiter Staat vom Öl. Aus dem Verkauf des Rohstoffs stammte bisher der Großteil der Devisen, mit denen die Regierung den Import von Waren bezahlte.

Für Rücklagen hat Maduro allerdings nicht gesorgt, das rächt sich jetzt – darunter leiden müssen vor allem die Menschen.

Translation into Spanish

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Posted by Ainhoa Aristizabal — Unruly Hearts editor