Malaysia Airlines MH17 Shot Down by Ukrainian Jet Fighter to Assassinate Russian Leader Vladimir Putin

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By Erik Pineda | December 7, 2014

The ill-fated Malaysia Airlines MH17 was accidentally shot down July this year by the Ukrainian air force and the tragedy according to new reports was the direct result of Kiev’s failed bid to assassinate Russian president Vladimir Putin.

Flight MH17 exploded mid-air and crashed July 17 in a region controlled by pro-Moscow Ukrainian separatist rebels. All 298 passengers and crews, including 38 Australians, perished.

The aviation disaster was suspected caused by a surface-to-air missile fired from the rebels’ side that mistook the commercial aircraft for a Ukrainian military plane, which the separatists have vehemently denied.

Also, Kremlin has long maintained that Kiev is to be blamed for the attack.

Ukraine plotted to kill Putin

And in what appears as fresh claims that Kiev has blood on its hands for the numerous civilian deaths, reports from Russia are saying that the Ukraine attacked MH17 by mistake trying to eliminate Putin.

The information came from Russia’s television program Moment of Truth and the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper, which the UK-based Daily Mail noted are known as Kremlin-friendly media outlets.

The reports have stated that the Ukrainian air force Su-25 jet fighter was tasked to shot down Putin’s official aircraft Plane Number One. Unfortunately, Plane Number One’s Ilyushin build, which was reportedly scheduled to fly over the rebel-controlled area on the day of the attack, had an identical silhouette with the Boeing plane that was used in Flight MH17.

The military jet ended up downing the Malaysia Airlines flight instead. Evidences presented by the Russian media reports suggested too that combination of 30mm canon shots from the Su-25 and an anti-aircraft missile that was launched from the ground as the weapons used on the doomed plane.

“Pieces of 30mm rounds were found in the bodies of the (MH17) pilots,” said the Daily Mail on its report, somehow indicating that the Su-25 pilot first targeted the commercial plane’s cockpit area that was then followed by the missile that blew the aircraft into pieces.

Elaborate conspiracy

The reports identified as well a prominent figure involved in the failed assassination try on Putin. Ukrainian oligarch Ihor Kolomoyskyi was pinpointed as the brain behind the attack. Kolomoyskyi is widely regarded as a vocal critic and enemy of Putin.

The Ukrainian billionaire is said to have been tipped off that Putin’s Plane Number One flight plan on July 17 2014 included a pass over on the same route that was taken by MH17.

Two more names surfaced as part of the plot – Ukrainian top-gun pilot Lt Col Dmitro Yakatsuts and air traffic controller Anna Petrenko. Yakatsuts piloted the Su-25 linked to MH17 shooting down while Petrenko, described by Daily Mail as “glamorous,” was said to be in-charge of MH17 when it was flying over Ukraine.

The two have since disappeared and the last sighting of the couple was in Dubai, according to Russian media reports.

Following Putin’s annexation of Crimea, tension between Russia and Ukraine remain over the former’s reported incursions on the Ukrainian border and explicit support of rebels fighting for independence from Kiev.

Why Do We Allow Ukraine’s Government to Write the Official Report on The Downing of MH17?

Posted on November 21, 2014 by Eric Zuesse.

There are only two suspects in the shoot-down of the MH17 Malaysian airliner over Ukraine on July 17th: the separatist rebels, whom the Ukrainian Government charge had shot it down mistaking it for one of the Ukrainian Air Force bombers that routinely drop bombs onto the separatists and their families and indiscriminately onto everyone else in that region; or otherwise the Ukrainian Air Force itself, as a means for President Obama to be able to win increased international sanctions against Russia for Russia’s support of those blamed rebels.

That’s it, and that’s all.

One of these two suspects, the Ukrainian Government, was granted by the other three member-states of the official MH17 ‘investigating’ commission, a veto-power over anything that’s written into that ‘investigating’ report.

In other words, basically what exists is this:

The Ukrainian Government gets to write the official ‘investigation’ report on that ‘accident.’ The other three Obama-allied nations will place their signatures onto it — or else there simply won’t be any such ‘final report.’

This agreement on Ukraine’s veto-power was signed on August 8th, by Ukraine, Australia, Belgium, and Netherlands, the four member-nations of the official ‘investigation.’

This fact, of a Ukrainian veto, was made public on August 12th, in an obscure Ukrainian announcement.

Then, on August 23rd, the first English-language news report on it was published at Global Research.

The very next day, the present writer published a news-report placing that secret agreement into a fuller context.

And, on November 20th, Russian Television reported that the four-member ‘investigating’ team are still refusing to say anything about the earlier news reports that the Ukrainian Government possesses this veto-power.

Do Western Governments, and their now (in the wake of Obama’s coup) client-state of Ukraine, really think that the public are so stupid as not to recognize that this is an admission by the West (i.e., by the U.S. President and his various international stooges) that Russia was framed by themselves and their colleague U.S. client-states, into those economic sanctions?

That’s the basic question, now, isn’t it?

How many ‘reporters’ in the Western ‘news’ media are asking it? Why do their bosses refuse to allow them to ask it?

Here is why: If ‘journalists’ don’t report it, then who’s to blame, for the public’s not knowing it, isn’t really their respective public (as any elite likes to claim: “Democracy is really just mobocracy”), but is instead those ‘news’ media themselves, for hiding this important information from them. So: that’s what the ‘news’-elite wants — an ignorant or misinformed public, a public that can be led around by the nose, like animals to their slaughter.

Western diplomacy has become a scam, basically. Russia faces economic sanctions for what Obama did. And that’s the news that none of the Western ‘news’ media will report.

This cover-up of that scam is, itself, very big news. How will Western ‘news’ media cover it? Or will they instead cover-up the cover-up; and, to the extent that they report about it at all, will they charge that the authentic news-reports about the matter, such as this one, are ‘mere opinion pieces, not really news-stories at all,’ and so simply ignore the solidly documented facts that are reported in these news-stories?

However, is it really fair to expect the public to form truth-based opinions about things of which they are intentionally being kept ignorant, and even outright deceived (such as whether the sanctions against Russia are based on what they were told they were)?

Is the problem really democracy, as so many executives in the ‘news’ business say? Or is it actually oligarchy itself: that this ‘democracy’ is merely fake?

Will the Western ‘news’ media please, just for once, stand up and answer that? Or will they instead merely ignore it, as they ignore other vital truths?

(One high ‘news’-executive at one of the largest ‘news’-organizations privately answered that question to me by saying “I would highly doubt” that they would ever even consider to make the reality, which they already know quite well, public.)

How much longer can the public accept being raped by the press, and by their allegedly ‘democratic’ government?

How much longer will they, in fact, accept it?

But how can they not accept it, if they are being constantly lied-to? Is that what the Western press will continue to do?

Big news can have big consequences. But not so long as it’s still being kept secret, and lied-about.

Like this. But wasn’t Hitler supposed to have lost World War II? And weren’t we his enemies? So, why is today’s U.S. President leading this restoration of nazism — of racist fascism — only this time against ethnic Russians?

In fact, why does NATO itself even still exist, after the Cold War against communism was won? What are we fighting for now? What are we fighting against? Why are we fighting at all, so constantly at war?

Who benefits from this? Why do we allow it?

Perhaps, when a nation’s press is like this, controlled by oligarchs, the political drift towards and into fascism is inevitable. A ‘democratic’ fascism results if the public are deceived by an oligarchy. Racist fascism becomes then the way to build a passionate reactive compliance among the public, so they’re devoted to destroying what the oligarchs want them to fight and kill, thus to grab for the oligarchs land and resources the oligarchs want to conquer. Such a reactive passion among the public produces for oligarchs cheap soldiers. It cuts oligarchs’ costs, and thereby increases oligarchs’ profits. The idea that the press is merely a passive component in the body-politic is false; maybe it’s actually an oligarchic fraud. But, in any case, a press like this doesn’t merely result from racist fascism; it produces racist fascism. And maybe that explains what is happening in our time. Maybe that’s it. Maybe this press doesn’t merely result from fascism; maybe it causes fascism. Maybe that’s why Hitler posthumously is winning the ideological war he waged against America’s President in his time, FDR. Maybe that’s how fascism is taking over America, at last.

If this is the case, then the answer to our title-question is, of course, likewise clear.


Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010.